It’s estimated that one out of four babies are exclusively breastfed during the first six months. Since breastfeeding is the natural option, many expecting mothers often assume that it will be easy.

Sadly, this isn’t always the case. Whether it’s trouble with latching or swollen nipples, there is no shortage of complications to expect. That’s why an IBCLC lactation consultant can be so valuable.

So what exactly is an IBCLC lactation consultant? And what are some ways they can help you through your breastfeeding journey? In this guide, we’ll answer these questions so you can decide if you need the help of one of these trained professionals.

What Is an IBCLC Lactation Consultant?

Before we learn about how they can benefit you, we first need to know exactly what an IBCLC location consultant is. IBCLC stands for ​​International Board Certified Lactation Consultant.

These professionals have the highest level of accreditation that someone can get when specializing in lactation. To be accredited, these professionals need to pass extensive certification programs by the International Board of Lactation Consultant Examiners, or the IBLCE.

These can last between two to five years. An IBCLC can assist you with any needs you might have that relate to lactation. That might be medical problems or education on breastfeeding best practices. Think of them as your own personal breastfeeding support team.

How Can They Help You?

Many people think that you only go to an IBCLC consultant when there’s a problem. However, the reality is that these professionals can provide a wide range of IBCLC certification benefits.

In this section, we’ll go over some of them. Keep in mind this only applies to consultants who are accredited by the IBLCE.

1.  They Provide Knowledge and Support

Many expecting mothers might take a breastfeeding class, listen to a mother, or watch a YouTube video and think they’re prepared. Unfortunately, statistics rarely back this up. As this article notes, a staggering 92% of mothers reported problems with breastfeeding three days after giving birth.

A personal consultant will help you understand the different techniques and positions that are essential for breastfeeding. And if it’s still not clicking, they’ll give you support until it does.

2. They Give You a Confidence Boost

Many mothers experience significant anxiety and stress around breastfeeding. This isn’t good for the baby during pregnancy. And it can be even worse for the mom afterward if they feel like a failure because it’s not coming easily.

By consulting with an IBCLC professional before you give birth, you can get the confidence you need to know that everything will work out.

3. Personalized Care

Remember that there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to breastfeeding. While the mom influencer online might tell you that their method is the best, this is a lie. That’s because every baby-parent relationship is different.

So what works for someone else might not work for you. An IBCLC consultant knows this. As such, they provide you with personalized care to fit your unique needs as a mother.

4. Identify Problems Early On

There are a lot of complications that can arise during breastfeeding. This might have to do with medical issues surrounding milk production and secretion. Or, it could be latching problems with the baby.

Regardless of the problem, like most things, it’s best if it’s identified early on in the process. This allows your support team to nip the problem in the bud before it becomes a serious issue or a bad habit. IBCLC professionals are invaluable in identifying nursing challenges and solutions early on.

5. They Get Partners Involved

Mothers are indeed the primary parties involved in breastfeeding. Unfortunately, many husbands tend to use this as an excuse to not help. Or, they just aren’t sure how they can support their partner during the process.

Sadly, this can make many mothers feel isolated by challenges that arise in the breastfeeding process. An IBCLC consultant will help get both the mother and the father involved in the breastfeeding process.

This might involve having the father take care of the baby in between sessions so the mother can rest. They might make meals that help support a mother’s milk supply.

They can also learn hunger signs to identify when it’s time for feeding. When partners get involved, it greatly expands a mother’s support system, which is good both for her and the baby.

6. They Can Help You Use Equipment

There are a lot of different types of equipment that can help you on your breastfeeding journey. Breastfeeding pumps can help you keep a consistent supply of milk around for when you’re gone. And silverettes protect your nipples during feeding or pumping sessions.

Unfortunately, it often comes down to you to find and learn how to use these types of equipment. An IBCLC consultant will give you a list of equipment that can specifically help you. Then, they’ll show you the proper way to use it.

7. They Can Help You Increase Milk Supply

Not having an adequate milk supply isn’t a personal failure. You just need to follow some lactation specialist tips for increasing milk supply, which an IBCLC consultant can help you with.

Things like rest, drinking water, and expanding your diet can also help with this. So can techniques like more frequent, longer feeds and switching breasts.

8. They Provide Postpartum Help

Everyone’s postpartum journey is different. Maybe you want to return to work or school but aren’t sure how to keep up with breastfeeding. You might not be sure when to start weaning.

Or you could have trouble suppressing milk production down the line. Regardless of the challenges you face down the line, an IBCLC consultant will provide you with strategies and postpartum breastfeeding help.

Need Help With Breastfeeding? Contact the Kentucky Breastfeeding Center

We hope this guide helped you learn more about how an IBCLC lactation consultant can help you with your breastfeeding. Here at the Kentucky Breastfeeding Center, we know that every mother’s journey with breastfeeding will be different.

That’s why whether you need an educational course or hands-on personalized support, we’re here to help you. So if you’re ready to make breastfeeding a whole lot easier get in touch with us today.